Plantable Notebook A6
Price: 5.8 EUR/ notebook A6
Description: A6 format, cover uses petals and grass handmade paper, inside there are 40 factory made paper pages, the round label si made of plantable seed paper, printed with logo
Manufacturing time:
– 7-10 business days
The Plantable Notebook makes a fantastic small gift!
(birthday gift, teacher present, thank you gift, Valentine’s Day gift, best friend gift)
Companies can transmit their sustainability messages in a positive tone with this eco friendly notebook.
Eco Friendly Product, Limited quantities, non refundable
Shipping fee not included
Delivery time with National Post: Europe – 5-15 days, US – approx 20 days
You can find more images of our projects here: facebook
Plantable paper projects:
Plantable Notebook
Plantable Favors
Plantable Holiday Cards