Plantable Notebook
Notebook hartie manuala, plantable notebook, plantable paper and handmade paper with petals
carnetel hartie manuala poket notebook, caiet hartie manuala
Handmade paper notebook, plantable seed paper
Un cadou special pentru cei dragi, notebook, hartie plantabila, hartie cu seminte

Plantable Notebook A6


Price: 5.8 EUR/ notebook A6

Description: A6 format, cover uses petals and grass handmade paper, inside there are 40 factory made paper pages, the round label si made of plantable seed paper, printed with logo

Manufacturing time:
– 7-10 business days

The Plantable Notebook makes a fantastic small gift!
(birthday gift, teacher present, thank you gift, Valentine’s Day gift, best friend gift)

Companies can transmit their sustainability messages in a positive tone with this eco friendly notebook.

Eco Friendly Product, Limited quantities, non refundable
Shipping fee not included 
Delivery time with National Post: Europe – 5-15 days, US – approx 20 days

You can find more images of our projects here: facebook
Plantable paper projects:
Plantable Notebook
Plantable Favors
Plantable Holiday Cards

Carnetel plantabil A6


Pret: 28 lei/carnetel A6

Descriere:  format A6, coperta din hartie manuala alba cu iarba si petale galbene, 40 pagini hartie factory made ivory, colturi rotunjite, eticheta rotunda din hartie plantabila cu seminte de flori, imprimata standard

Timp de lucru:
– 7-10 zile lucratoare

Carnetelul cu eticheta plantabila poate fi un mic cadou surprinzator!
(cadou de Valentine’s Day, cadou de multumire, cadou pentru zi de nastere sau cadou pentru cea mai buna prietena)

Companiile pot transmite mesajul lor de sustenabilitate intr-un ton pozitiv cu ajutorul acestui carnetel eco friendly.

Produs prietenos cu mediul, Editii limitate, nu se returneaza
Transportul nu este inclus
Puteti calcula valoarea transportului aici

Durata livrarii prin curier: Bucuresti – 1-2 zile lucratoare, national – 1-3 zile lucratoare

Te poate interesa si: Decupaje Plantabile

You can find more images of our projects here: facebook